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Breed: Neapolitan Mastiff
Sex: Female

Birthday: ~ July 2006
Rescued: June 15, 2008
Re-homed: June 10, 2012

Status: Adopted


Health Issue(s)

  • Possibility of hip dysplasia.
  • Takes Glucosamine on a daily basis.
  • Face needs to be washed on a regular basis.


  • Typical guard dog; sounds the alarm whenever new people approach.
  • Although cautious with new people but Sassy warms up quickly.
  • Loves treats and is highly motivated by food.
  • Responds well to positive reinforcement training and should be the only method used.
  • Sassy is a strong willed dog and needs to value you in order for her to listen.
  • Loves big sticks and is content to carry them with her on her walks.
  • Enjoys rolling in grass and sunbathing.
  • Requires regular walks. Content to veg if allowed to and can easily put on weight.
  • Doesn’t mind being groomed and Sassy is good for nails.
  • Periodically gets irritable, in which case it’s best to leave her alone.
  • Sensitive to being held or hugged too long.

Owner Suitability

  • Needs an experienced owner. One preferably familiar with the Mastiff breeds.
  • Needs people tolerant of the salvia baths and who will not neglect the hygiene requirements associated with this breed.
  • The breed is weather susceptible to both heat and cold so needs to be housed accordingly.
  • Not recommended for families with kids (due to periodic irritability).
  • Best as a solo dog, although not out of the question If it is the right match of a calm dog.
  • Needs a fenced yard